product name:
Elastomer bellow shaft seals for industrial pumpOperations
Temperature:-20℃ to +120℃ Pressure:≤1.2MPa Speed:≤10m/s
Stationary Ring:,Ni-binder Tungsten Carbide,Silicon Carbide Reaction Bonded,Ceramic(Alumina),Silicon Carbide Sintered Pressureless
Rotary Ring:Resin Impregnated Carbon Graphite(Furan),Antimony Impreg. Carbon Graphite,Silicon Carbide Sintered Pressureless,Silicon Carbide Reaction Bonded
Secondary Seal:Fluorocarbon Rubber(Viton),Nitrile(NBR),Ethylene Propylene(EPDM)
Spring and Metal Parts:Stainless Steel,Stainless Steel
Seat Type: Standard:
TBCG60 Alternative:
TBCT20,TBG6,TBG9 Applications:Clean Water,Sewage Water,Oil and other moderately corrosive fluids
TBMG1 mechanical seal, for industrial pump, replace the mechanical seal of
Burgmann MG1
Elastomer bellow shaft seals for industrial pump
drawing of
Elastomer bellow shaft seals for industrial pump

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Elastomer bellow shaft seals for industrial pump